At BIRCH Properties, we’re real estate experts AND we’re passionate about making sure your Berkshires home thrives in every season. Personally FALL clean up is a little wistful, a big chilly smile, sometimes too much work and always necessary! So here are a few of our favorite tricks and tips whether you live in the Berkshires full or part-time.

Too Many Leaves? | Sustain Your Landscape’s Health

Fall in the Berkshires is stunning, but the leaves that blanket the landscape can become a wee bit overwhelming. Rather than raking and discarding, consider mulching. Mulching not only reduces waste but also returns essential nutrients to your soil, keeping your lawn healthy. For those with vacation homes, professional leaf management services ensure your property remains pristine, even when you're away. If you're a DIY'er you may have a mower attachment that can take care of it or designate a hidden area where you can stack leaves high and turn them over once a year. Soon you'll have fantastic mulch to use on your garden beds.
And don't forget to take a break, jump in the leaves and have great cider on hand!

Gutters | Keep'em Clean

Our stunning Berkshire trees can quickly fill your gutters with debris. Clean gutters are crucial in preventing water damage to your home’s foundation and roof. For second-home owners, installing gutter guards is a smart investment, reducing the frequency of cleanings and ensuring your home stays protected year-round. Plan on cleaning gutters Fall and Spring at a minimum.

Roof Inspection | for Peace of Mind

Your roof is your home’s first defense against the elements. Fall is the perfect time to inspect for any damage or wear, ensuring small issues don’t become major problems during the winter months. If your Berkshires home is a seasonal escape, consider scheduling a local contractor for a thorough inspection and necessary repairs before the snow arrives.

Landscape Prep | Set the Stage for Spring

Fall isn’t just for cleanup—it’s also for preparation. Prune trees and shrubs to encourage healthy growth, and plant spring bulbs to ensure your garden blooms with vibrant color. For homeowners who split their time, hiring local landscapers can maintain your property’s beauty all year round. A pruning party is a perfect time for apple-dunking!

Winterizing | Protect Your Investment

If you’re planning to leave your Berkshires home for the winter, proper winterization is essential. Drain outdoor faucets, insulate pipes, and ensure your heating system is in top shape. Setting your thermostat to 58°F can prevent freezing pipes, giving you peace of mind while you’re away.

Pool Maintenance | Goodbye to Summer

As the temperatures drop, take those last swims! It’s essential to properly close your pool to protect it from the harsh winter conditions. Start by thoroughly cleaning the pool, balancing the water chemistry, and lowering the water level. Invest in a high-quality pool cover to prevent debris from accumulating and to protect against potential freeze damage. For vacation homeowners, hiring a professional pool service ensures that your pool is winterized correctly, giving you peace of mind that it will be ready for a seamless opening when summer returns. We have a great list of resources if you need some recommendations!

Here at BIRCH Properties, we love helping you make the most of your Berkshires home. From detailed seasonal maintenance tips to personalized real estate services, we're here to support you every step of the way. Call with any questions or to schedule time together—we’re excited to help you enjoy enjoy your home no matter the season!
All the best,
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BIRCH Properties is a modern real estate firm that synthesizes the warmth of a small-town brokerage with the agility of a startup and the heart of its founder, Selina Lamb. Though we’re tech-forward in temperament, we’re connectors at heart who work tirelessly to ensure that you can start the next growing season of your life on fertile soil. You’ll find in equal measure our unparalleled follow-through and attention to every detail, win-win negotiations, and deep analysis and perspective — all punctuated by a fun, relaxed style.

Buying or selling, you’ll benefit from our comprehensive knowledge of the Berkshires, expansive international network, and fierce dedication to your bottom line. As buyer’s agents, we’re caring, sensitive advisers who guide you to the people and places that will help you make this region yours. As seller’s agents, we’re expert marketers who get your property more views, visits, and offers.

BIRCH Properties’ roots, however, go far deeper than the tools and techniques we use to achieve our clients’ goals. Real estate, to us, is about the well-being of others. We understand the challenges of transitioning from one home to another and assist you with compassion and experience through every aspect of your move. From start to finish and long after, we stand ready to serve, always with a positive, upbeat attitude and an in-depth consideration of your needs.


Selina Lamb is a study in contrasts — analytical yet creative, fun yet serious-minded, easygoing yet a fierce marketer and negotiator. She synthesizes years of experience in Berkshires' real estate; a liberal arts education from Williams College; a successful career at top U.S. fashion houses; and experience founding a nationally recognized landscape design firm into a real estate consultancy that centers around client well-being. Repeats and referrals comprise 98% of her business, and review after review mentions her market knowledge, vast network, warm sense of humor, and presence in her clients’ lives long after the deal has closed.
As a real estate partner, Selina aims to make people feel at home during each moment of the transaction, whether they’re seeking residential, commercial, or land development opportunities. A longtime Berkshires resident, she works tirelessly to plug her buyers into the community, ensuring they have every professional and resource they need to create fulfilling lives here. In addition, she leverages her expansive global network and marketing expertise to get her sellers’ properties maximum views, visits, and offers. Her future-forward service features tech, design, analysis, and humanity in equal measure — making it highly personalized and undeniably modern.
Selina’s unique approach comes from the circuitous path that brought her to real estate and back to the Berkshires. After graduating from Williams, Selina held executive roles for the likes of Tommy Hilfiger, J. Crew, and Polo Ralph Lauren. During that time, she would escape to her Berkshire house on weekends to find delight in her garden, which inspired her to earn a graduate degree in site planning and landscape design. She eventually let go of her New York City address permanently and founded her acclaimed landscape design firm, which has been featured by Architectural Digest, Elle Decor, and HGTV.
Selina’s design experience makes her an expert in envisioning clear and practicable solutions for presenting properties to their very best advantage, from staging to photography and beyond. For buyers and sellers, her wide breadth of knowledge of local regulations and permitting processes make her an invaluable resource.
Beyond real estate, Selina serves on the Williams College Parents Fund Committee and co-chaired the Emma Willard School Parents Fund Committee. In addition to gardening, she enjoys painting, skiing, and playing tennis.

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